Sri. P Ashok Gajapathi Raju
Chairman, MANSAS
Ex-Union Minister for CIVIL AVIATION, Govt. of INDIA
Ex-Minister for Finance, Govt. of AP
Ashok Gajapathi Raju :-
After his long association with Mansas, Ashok Gajapathi Raju became the Chairman of the Trust in March 2016. In these years he has given Mansas a vision, a direction and the necessary impetus it needs. Ashok is the younger son of Late Dr. P.V.G. Raju, the generous Founder of the Trust and an exemplary human being whose values and honor his son has imbibed. Ashok himself has had along political career since 1978 spanning four decades. His intrinsic values of honesty, justice, co-operation & fair play have seen him occupying the important portfolios of Commercial Taxes, Finance, Revenue & Legislative Affairs in the Andhra Pradesh Government. When in the opposition, he braced himself with the issues of the common man & contributed significantly which resulted in getting the best legislators award. Another aspect close to his heart is his love and enthusiasm for sport. He has strived tirelessly towards this and has also been the President of the Andhra Cricket Association. Besides an illustrious career in politics and an avid sportsmen, Ashok wears the mantle of being the hereditary trustee of 108 Temples, the largest being the Abode of Loard Varaha Narasihima Swami, in Simahachlam. He is always prepared to go the extra mile in the interest of education, technology & social growth. Because of his clear vision and undying commitment, he shoulders all his responsibilities with ease.