Extra Curricular Activities
College has two full-time Physical Directors who are responsible to look after sports facilities and organize Games & Sports activities.
- A well maintained cricket ground which hosts inter-departmental and other matches throughout the year.
- A permanent basketball court with reinforced concrete floor.
- Andhra Cricket Association(ACA) in association with the college building cricketing and other sports infrastructure on a 10 acre land abutting the campus at an estimated cost of Rs. 4 Crore
- The college organizes intra & inter-departmental sports activities & teams from college actively participate in tournaments conducted outside

Cultural Clubs were designed to help students to continue discovering and developing their talent in fine arts during their graduation. It gives a platform for the students to group themselves with their peers interested in relative fields.
Through department events, participants are given the opportunity to continue developing their talent by having their performances evaluated by qualified professional student peers, teachers and alumni who encourage excellence and offer ideas for improvement. The students, who reach a reasonable bench mark, will be given the opportunity to compete with their peers from other departments. The students who give their best at this level will be allowed to participate in competitions conducted at external venue, with the expenses barred by the college. These students will have the opportunity, to participate in the annual day celebrations, cultural fest which will be conducted by inviting participants from other colleges every year or any other events conducted in college.
In view of the college autonomy, Cultural Committee as advised by the college administration is considering categories like Arts, Communication, Dance, Drama, Instrumental, Vocal & Writing in cultural club.
- Mr.Shaik Ishaq Vali (Civil 3rd year) won Title in Radio City Super Singer, conducted at National level. He was also one of the singers for movie `Kshanam’.
- Mr. Nobel John, Civil 4th Year - Composed the entire drumming for an album ‘Against Evil’, released recently.
- NCC Unit -100 `B’ Certificate - 29; `C’ Certificate – 33
- Mr. M. S. D. Naveen, 4/4 Civil - Best Cadet by Commander 2 artillery unit, Visakhapatnam
The overall aim of National Service Scheme as envisaged earlier, is to give an extension dimension to the higher education system and orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institution. The educated youth who are expected to take the reins of administration in future are found to be unaware of the problems of the village/slum community and in certain cases are indifferent towards their needs and problems. Therefore it is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students, and to provide them an opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slums. It is felt that their interaction with the common villagers and slum dwellers will expose them to the realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception.
ClicK Here To Know More About NSS@MVGR Activities organized by NSS
FYFP–from the youth for the people is a student volunteer body formed in the year 2011 to provide service to the society and promote education. FYFP is doing many activities in and outside the college.
To create awareness among the students about the society.
- To provide annual writing aid for the poor children.
- To support primary education for children.
- To create awareness about women health care.
- To bring change in the society and sensitize against evil things in the society.
FYFP team activities:
- Project KITAB : Waste paper is collected from students, labs, hostels and staff rooms and segregated according to quality of paper and later the segregated paper is traded for wealth. In season 1 collected 1.6 tonnes of paper and around 108 children were given annual study aid. 3.33 and 4.8 tonnes of paper was collected in season-2 and 3 and provided study aid to 195 children in chittigunkalam, venkannapeta, gondayyapalem and betheren orphanage.
- Project VIKAS : "Education is the key of development". A Nation can only prosper if every child is provided with primary education. Every Sunday FYFP volunteers spend their time in educating and inculcating moral values to primary children of chittigunkalam, venkannapeta and gondayyapalem. FYFP volunteers also gave tips for attempting 10th class board exams
- Chula Distribution : In the process of making a model village, promote the village to use non conventional energy resources, an one day campaign conducted at pedada village on 31st may that the people in the village got smokeless chulas co-ordinated by "ned-cap" .
- Swatch Bharat : FYFP took their initiation to clean up certain areas of college as a part of Swachh Bharat. They formed an army of 80 students to clean up the college premises. FYFP team organised 5 day Swachh Bharat campaign in college & cleaned the college auditorium and ground.
- Health Campaigns, Blood Donations, Cloth Distribution and Utensils Distribution are other activities.
All the activities are being done by students of MVGR with a great spirit to support education and change in the society. Till date FYFP have 185 members from last 3 batches of MVGR. All the activities are doing after the academic hours and in holidays.
Coordinator: Dr.M.SatyaNarayana, Associate Professor, Dept of ECE
The conceptualization of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan started with the initiative of a group of dedicated faculty members of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi working for long in the area of rural development and appropriate technology. The concept was nurtured through wide consultation with the representatives of a number of technical institutions, Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG) coordinators, voluntary organizations and government agencies, actively involved in rural development work, during a National workshop held at IIT Delhi in September, 2014. The program was formally launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in presence of The President of India on 11th November, 2014.
Click Here To Know More About UBA@MVGR CSE Student Volunteers