2023-24 Electronics And Communication Engg placements     ll     142 job offers for 174 eligible students     ll     20 Companies     ll     Average Package – 5.89 Lakhs     Pennant Technologies (20 Lakhs) – 3;     Prolifics VIBS Infosol Pvt.ltd (12 Lakhs) – 1;     Constient (12 Lakhs) – 1;– 1;     ORGWare Technologies (8 Lakhs) – 7;     Tcs- Digital (7.5 Lakhs) – 3;     MosChip Technologies (6 lakhs) – 2;     Accenture (4.6 Lakhs) – 11;     Capgemini (4.25 lakhs) – 8;     Q Spiders (4.2 Lakhs) – 9;     Hexaware (4 Lakhs ) – 2;     Movate (3.75 Lakhs) – 1;     Tech Mahindra (3.6 Lakhs) – 2;     Schneider Electric (3.5 Lakhs) – 8;     KodNest (3.5 Lakhs) – 4;     Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd ( 3.25 Lakhs) – 23;     Pfizer (3 Lakhs) – 6, || Congratulations to ANDAVARAPU RAKESH - GATE Topper- AIR 11


Department at a Glance





Addon Course


Faculty : student

Student Awards


Message from the Head of the Department

Who Should Choose ECE?


Electronics & Communications Engineering is a demanding course as it requires an innovative and logical mindset, and the ability to constantly learn and apply new concepts and technologies. Several subjects in this program deal with scientific computations and analysis. Electronics and Communication Engineering is very interesting branch to study. For graduates who are looking at challenging and wide variety of opportunities and interested to work in multiple domains should prefer this course.


Courses Offered

Course Offered

Professional Memberships

Department of ECE encourages students to be part of professional bodies. Presently department of ECE has IEEE, IETE and Virtual Instrumentation student professional chapters / clubs. Being a member of professional bodies has following benefits:

  • Being formally recognized as a professional in their field.
  • Being able to mix with others in their profession both socially and professionally.
  • Get support in lifelong learning and training.
  • Having access to technical knowledge in the form of text books, online resources, journals and training courses.
  • Being able to contribute their expertise when a new regulation or policy needs to be put together e.g. setting standards.
  • Being able to promote their field in society.
Professional Members are often given priority registration for their organization’s convention and may receive discounts on conference fees and related expenses.
  1. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  2. IETE Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers
  3. VI Virtual Instrumentation Club
To be a center of excellence in Electronics and Communication Engineering by making students
abreast with contemporary technologies meeting the standards of global industry and to develop
them into skillful engineers who are technologically superior with knowledge of core as well as
inter disciplinary domains with human values.

  • Establish a unique learning environment to enable the students to face global challenges by using latest technologies in Electronics and Communication.
  • Establish centers of excellence in niche technologies to inculcate the spirit of innovation and creativity in faculty and students.
  • Provide an environment for collaborative and inter disciplinary activities that enables students to develop industry ready and entrepreneurial skills.
  • Provide ethical and value-based education to serve humanity by developing socially sensitive engineers.

PSO1: An ability to design and implement complex systems in the areas related to Analog and
Digital Electronics, Communication, Signal processing, RF & Microwave, VLSI and
Embedded systems.

PSO2: Ability to make use of acquired knowledge to be employable and demonstrate leadership
and entrepreneurial skills.

Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of,
and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

PEO1: Graduates will be trained to formulate and solve problems in Electronics and
Communication Engineering domain with strong foundation in mathematics, science and
engineering fundamentals.
PEO2: Graduates will have required knowledge for a successful career in the field of Electronics
and Communication Engineering.
PEO3: Graduates will have ability to pursue higher studies and / or productively engage in
research and to instill a passion and systematic approach for continuous learning so that they can
adapt to the evolving knowledge in their chosen profession.
PEO4: Graduates will apply professional and communication skills to function as leaders and
members of multidisciplinary teams with strong organizational skills and ethical responsibility.

Curriculum require periodic review and institutions must have a permanent mechanism for identifying the curriculum requirements based on national needs and international trends. This is essential for developing a work-force which has gone through education and training to successfully tackle the challenges of technological advancements. In the recent years, university education has become more globalized, and has changed from being teacher-centered to learner-centered. Industry is demanding for graduates’ with employability skills. In consequence, current degree programs needto address the learning outcomes their graduates should attain. Typically, these cover discipline and contextual knowledge, practical knowledge, skills, personal and professional attributes. Engineering, as a discipline, has led the development of graduate attribute specifications and adopted the educational principle of constructive alignment in curriculum design.Having good quality work integrated learning modules within engineering degrees enhances the authenticity of the curriculum with respect to industry practice. Innovative remote laboratories and other internet - delivered course material are encouraging more educators to share best practice, and ‘flip’ their classrooms to improve students’ active learning. We envisage that MOOCs (massive open on-line courses) will progressively be adopted in engineering degrees, and will encourage more students into engineering.

The act of designing a new curriculum to provide the required characteristics in future engineers will obviously require taking positions on several issues. Some of the issues that are considered in curriculum design are:

  • New knowledge systems are being created at a very rapid pace. Which of these should be included in the curriculum and what should be phased out?
  • Most real life problems are going to be interdisciplinary in nature. Therefore what basic knowledge should be taken as common denominator and imparted to students of all disciplines.
  • How to develop expertise in the area of specialization with good understanding of mathematics and basic sciences? Should specializations be in narrow or broad areas?
  • There is a need to imbibe the habit of self-learning. How should the curriculum be designed to impart this practice?
  • Computer literacy and communication skills will be essential features in an engineer's life in the years to come. How can these be developed without putting additional burden on the curriculum?
  • Industry interaction is going to be essential for developing problem-solving skills and creative abilities. How can this interaction be made part of the curriculum?
  • Our social constraints have forced us to put students of widely varying academic achievements to study together, irrespective of their academic competence.
  • How should engineering be introduced to a fresher?

Electives (Professional (Core) + Open)

A professional elective course is a type of course that is designed to provide students with specialized knowledge and skills in a particular field or industry. An open elective is a type of course that can be taken as an elective option but is not required to fulfil a specific program or major requirement. Open electives are courses that are chosen by the student, rather than being mandated by a specific program or major.

A total 30 (Professional 18 + Open 12) credits are there in the program curriculum


Audit courses

An audit course is a type of course in which a student can attend and participate in class, but does not receive credit or a grade for the course. Instead, the student receives a notation on their transcript indicating that they audited the course.

There are a total a total of 3 audit courses (Environmental sciences, Constitution of India & Indian Traditional Knowledge) are offered in the curriculum


NPTEL Equivalence

The students can complete any 12 or more week course offered by National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) instead of an elective offered by the curriculum with same title, more than 80% content match and approved by the BOS. The student should complete and submit the certificate of completed course before the scheduled examination by the department.


Minors Program

A minor program is a secondary area of study that a student can choose to complement their major field of study and is intended to provide the student with additional knowledge and skills in a related field. For example, a student majoring in Electronics & Communication Engineering might choose to a minor in computer science. Every department in the institute is offering one or more minors so that the student can opt from that basket.


Add on Programs or Skill Training

The department is offering add on programs in 1) NI LabVIEW 2) Antenna Design Using HFSS 3) AI Machine Learning.

Career Guidance through Counselling (Placements + Higher studies)

Each student of the department is assigned with a Faculty counsellor who helps students with a wide range of issues, including attendance monitoring, performance monitoring, academic difficulties and career guidance.



Student Feedback is taken on various aspects of pedagogy and the amenities are taken in the form of 1) Class Representatives feedback (Twice a Semester) 2) Online feedback by every student (Twice a Semester)


The institute/department possesses sophisticated general computing facility, auditorium, seminar hall, discussion rooms, reading rooms, well equipped Gymnasium, canteen, fast food centre, fruit juice centre, food courts, Girls & Boys Hostels, RO Water, 740kVA power backup, 450kW solar power, DEWATS, Biogas Plant, 1154 Mbps internet connectivity, WiFi etc

Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Activities

The department conducts co-curricular activities like model presentation, technical quiz, auto quiz, IoT, Soldering. Extra-curricular activities like group discussions, debates, Just a Minute, sports, cultural etc. are conducted on the platform of Students’ Progressive and Electronics & Communication Engineers (SPACE).  The students of the department actively participate in the NSS & NCC

Student Support Activities

Slow learners are identified and remedial classes are conducted to these students. Also additional material support is provided to these students

Project based Learning

The students will do a projects in each and every laboratory by combining their modular learnings in two or more experiments.

Socially Relevant Project (SRP)

The student is expected to identify a social problem in the fourth semester preferably local to a given geography and provide a possible solution. He/she should submit a detailed report on his understanding of this problem and his solution.

Major Project

The student will do a major project in the final semester of the graduating period. The student is expected to do project work on any complex engineering problem. He/she should submit a detailed thesis typically with introduction to the problem, literature review, problem definition, solution methodology, results and analysis and conclusions.


The student can express their grievance anonymously in the grievance boxes provided in each classroom and also at the HOD’s office. He can also express his grievance directly with the class representative, Class Teacher, Counsellor, admin coordinator, academic coordinator or to the HOD.  Scope has been provided in the online feedback form to express his grievance in the areas other than academics. Complaints register is also provided at the HOD’s office to register their complaints.

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) established within the institute promotes and support the development of entrepreneurial skills and the creation of new ventures among students. EDC provides resources such as training, mentoring, networking opportunities, and access to funding to help individuals turn their ideas into successful businesses.

Institute Innovation Council (IIC)

Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) is established in the institute in 2022 to systematically promote the culture of innovation and start-up ecosystem in educational institutions.

Click HERE to access A2 Course Structure

Consultancy work done

Dr. R. Ramana Reddy, Professor and HoD, Dr. Shaik Mastan Vali Professor, ECE Dept. successfully completed a consultancy work on design of an antenna for IoT Applications for M/S Phytec Embedded Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.



S.No Patent Application No Status of Patent (Published/granted) Inventors names Title Applicant Names Date of filing Date of publish / Grant
1 202441075532 A Published 1.Mr. Ashok kumar adepu
2.Mr. Narayanam Balaji 
Design of segmented current steering DAC using compact DEM method for wireless sensor networks 1.Mr. Ashok kumar adepu
2.Mr. Narayanam Balaji 
5/10/2024 18/10/2024
2 422989-001 Published 1.Mr. Shanmukha Rao Narsupalli
2. Mr. K. Satyanarayana Raju
3.Mr. Ashok Kumar Adepu
4.Dr. M. Satyanarayana
5.Dr. V. Lavanya
6.Dr. M. Laxmi Prasanna Rani
Artificial intelligence based device for detection of oral cancer 1.Mr. Shanmukha Rao Narsupalli
2. Mr. K. Satyanarayana Raju
3.Mr. Ashok Kumar Adepu
4.Dr. M. Satyanarayana
5.Dr. V. Lavanya
6.Dr. M. Laxmi Prasanna Ran 
12/7/2024 23/08/2024
3 202441032525 A Published Mr. Shanmukha
Rao Narsupalli 
Ai-driven personalized news recommendation system to analyze user
 preferences and behaviors, delivering tailored news content based on
individual interests
Mr. Shanmukha Rao Narsupalli  24/04/24 030/5/2024
4 394637-001 Published Mr. Naguboina Gopi Chand  Audio alert broadcasting device Mr. Naguboina Gopi Chand  7/9/2023 21/02/2024
5 202341075591 A Published Nagasubhadra D. Uppalapati A system for filtering fast particle and tracking rhythmic biomedical
signals and method thereof
Nagasubhadra D. Uppalapati 6/11/2023 22/12/2023
6 20234102094 A Published Nagasubhadra D. Uppalapati Particle filtering with 3s limits and method thereof Nagasubhadra D. Uppalapati 21/10/2023 1/12/2023
7 202141038830A Granted 1.Dr. Dudla Prabhakar
2.Dr. M. Satyanarayana
3.Dr. Chintaguntla Balaswamy
4. Dr. V.N.Lakshmana Kumar
Advanced metasurface superstrate structure for improvement of antenna performance 1.Dr. Dudla Prabhakar
2.Dr. M. Satyanarayana
3.Dr. Chintaguntla Balaswamy
4. Dr. V.N.Lakshmana Kumar
27/08/2021 30/11/2023
8 202341067297 A Published Dr. D. Raja Ramesh  Integration of devices with VLSI structure and packaging Dr. D. Raja Ramesh  7/10/2023 24/11/2023
9 202341060034 A Published    1.Dr. M Sunil Prakash
   2. Dr.P.Ujjvala Kanthi Prabha
   3. Dr. T A N S N Varma
   4. Dr G Vimala Kumari
Intelligent IoT-based maternal health monitoring device with cloud integration .  1.Dr. M Sunil Prakash
   2. Dr.P.Ujjvala Kanthi Prabha
   3. Dr. T A N S N Varma
   4. Dr G Vimala Kumari
6/9/2023 6/10/2023
10 202241074335A Granted 1.B. Praveen Sai
2. Mohammed Zafar Ali Khan
A universal generalized flip Decoder and a method of decoding thereof 1.B. Praveen Sai
2. Mohammed Zafar Ali Khan
21/12/2022 24/07/2023   
11 202141042862A Published Adduru U.G. Sankararao System and method for hyperspectral imager interface on uav for data acquisition Adduru U.G. Sankararao 22/09/2021 24/03/2023
12 202341014746A Published Dr. D. Raja Ramesh   VLSI layouts for connected and pyramid networks using deep neural learning Dr. D. Raja Ramesh   5/3/2023 17/03/2023
13 202241064840A Published . Dr.G Vimala Kumari A wearable pregnancy monitoring apparatus to collect physiological parameters . Dr.G Vimala Kumari 12/11/2022 18/11/2022  
14 202241050353A Published Dr. D Raja Ramesh & Others A smart grid networks with an artificial intelligence based IOT secured system Dr. D Raja Ramesh 2/9/2022 9/9/2022
15 202241050311A Published 1.Dr. M Satyanarayana
2.Dr. V Lavanya
3.Dr. M Lakshmi Prasanna Rani
4.Dr. B Srinivas

A system for images spectral extraction using local covariance and convolution in hyper spectral images 1.Dr. M Satyanarayana
2.Dr. V Lavanya
3.Dr. M Lakshmi Prasanna Rani
4..Dr..B Srinivas
2/9/2022 9/9/2022
16 202241028780A Published Dr. TANSN Varma & Others Switched Capacitor Based Multi-Level Inverter Dr. TANSN Varma & Others 19/05/2022 17/06/2022
17 202111022123A Published 1.Dr. M.Sunil Prakash
2.Dr. M Satyanarayana
Patch Antenna, Method of Manufacturing And Using Such An Antenna, And Antenna System 1.Dr. M.Sunil Prakash
2.Dr. M Satyanarayana
17/05/2021 28/05/2021
18 2021101845A Granted 1.Dr. M.Sunil Prakash
2.Dr.G Vimala Kumari
Automatic Pulses/Dals/Cereals Dispenser using Electronic Valves 1.Dr. M.Sunil Prakash
2.Dr.G Vimala Kumari
10/4/2021 19/05/2021
19 202041052559A Published Dr. V. Lavanya Automatic detection system for Focal EEG signals with adaptive wavelet Transform Dr. V. Lavanya 2/12/2020 11/12/2020
20 202041046456 A Published 1.Dr. V N L Kumar
2.Dr. M Satyanarayana
Design of Split Ring Resonator Superstrate for Sidelobe Suppression of Microstrip Array Antenna 1.Dr. V N L Kumar
2.Dr. M Satyanarayana
24/10/2020 6/11/2020
21 202041044843A Published 1.Dr. P Surya Prasad
2.Dr. B Srinivas
Automatic Brain tissue segmentation by supervoxel clustering  1.Dr. P Surya Prasad
2.Dr. B Srinivas
15/10/2020 30/10/2020
22 201941051039A Published Dr. G. Vimala Kumari High Speed Train Speed Predictive Control Using ANFIS modeling and machine learning. Dr. G. Vimala Kumari 10/12/2019 20/12/2019
23 20174103525A Published Dr. R Ramana Reddy A Quad band asymmetric dual L-Slot fed dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with circularly polarized bands Dr. R Ramana Reddy 5/10/2017 28/03/2018
24 201741035257A Published Dr. R Ramana Reddy Curvy rectangular slotted substrate integrated Cylindrical DRA with Wide CP bandwidth and Enhanced Gain Dr. R Ramana Reddy 5/10/2017 28/03/2018
25 201741034823A Published Dr. R Ramana Reddy A modified Bow-Tie slotted circular patch antenna Dr. R Ramana Reddy 29/09/2017 28/03/2018
26 201641043763A Published Dr. R Ramana Reddy A compact hexagonal-Triangular fractal antenna for wideband applications Dr. R Ramana Reddy 22/12/2016 28/03/2018
27 201641043764A Published 1.Dr. R Ramana Reddy
2.Dr. Shaik Mastan Vali
A new PCB based antenna for IOT Applications 1.Dr. R Ramana Reddy
2.Dr. Shaik Mastan Vali
22/12/2016 28/03/2018

Young Scientist award

Dr. T. A. N. S. N Varma, Associate Professor, Dept of ECE, received Young Scientist Award for the Year 2015 by AP Academy of Sciences from Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Sri N. Chandra Babu Naidu on 7 th November, 2016.

No of Ph. Ds Guided by faculty of ECE Department: 3
No of Ph. Ds Guiding by faculty of ECE Department: 13

Placements AY _2024-2025 (2021 Batch) Till Date
Sl  No Name of student Regn No Email ID Name of Employer CTC Type(core/IT) Employement Number/Reference no
1 ANGA PAVAN KUMAR 21331A0401 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/001
2 B . MOHINI 21331A0404 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/002
3 BAMMIDI PRAVALIKA 21331A0405 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/003
4 BOLLA DIVAKAR 21331A0411 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/004
5 BONDA GREESHMA GAYATHRI 21331A0412 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/005
6 BONDA LAKSHMI PRASANNA 21331A0413 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/006
7 B.DAIVA PRASAD 21331A0414 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/007
8 B.VINAY 21331A0415 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/008
9 VARSHITHA BOYINA 21331A0416 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/009
10 BUDUPULA SRAVANI 21331A0417 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/010
11 BUGATHA VILASH SAI 21331A0418 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/011
12 CHANDAKA SAI RAMAKRISHNA 21331A0421 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/012
13 CHEVALA.SWETHA DINESHA 21331A0423 [email protected] VTS Enterprise India Pvt.Ltd. 8.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/013
14 BHAGYASREE.CHILLA 21331A0424 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/015
15 ABHIVARSH DABBIRU 21331A0427 [email protected] Cape Electric 4 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/017
16 RAMYA DALAI 21331A0428 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/018
17 DANGETI GOWRI SHANKAR 21331A0430 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/019
18 DASARI PRANATHI 21331A0431 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/020
19 DASARI VINAI 21331A0432 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/021
20 DASARI VINAI 21331A0432 [email protected] Cape Electric 4 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/022
21 D RAVI KUMAR 21331A0434 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/023
22 DONI APPANNA 21331A0437 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/024
23 DUNNA RAJU 21331A0439 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/025
24 E.ASHRITHA 21331A0440 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/026
25 GAJJARAPU SAI KRISHNA 21331A0441 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/027
26 GALLA HEMANJALI 21331A0444 [email protected] RAAM Group 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/028
27 GANDEPALLI KOMALI ABHINAYA 21331A0445 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/029
28 GARREPALLI NIKHILESWAR 21331A0448 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/030
29 CHAITANYA GEDELA 21331A0449 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/031
30 GELLI PADMINI 21331A0450 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/032
31 KARTHIK GORLE 21331A0451 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/033
32 GOTTIMUKKALA VIJAYALAKSHMI 21331A0453 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/034
33 G.LALITHAYAMINI 21331A0454 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/035
34 GURRE DEVIKA 21331A0455 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/036
35 IMMIDISETTI SRAVANI 21331A0457 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/037
36 JALAPARI CHAITANYA 21331A0460 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/038
37 JASWANTH KADAVALA 21331A0461 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/039
38 KANDELA HIMANTH 21331A0463 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/040
39 KARANAM VARSHA 21331A0465 [email protected] Agumentik Group 4 - 6 Lakhs IT company AGT1809
40 VAMSI KRISHNA KARUNAKARAM 21331A0467 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/041
41 KAVYA MULAGA 21331A0471 [email protected] WPG Electronics India Private Limited 6 - 7 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/042
42 SARATH KUMAR 21331A0472 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/043
43 K CHAITANYA 21331A0473 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/044
44 BALAJI KONDETI 21331A0474 [email protected] 24/7 AI 3.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/046
45 K PRAVEEN KUMAR 21331A0478 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/047
46 K.JYOSHNA 21331A0479 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/048
47 KOTRA SAI PUJA 21331A0481 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/049
48 KUNIBILLI BOSE ANANDITHA 21331A0483 [email protected] VTS Enterprise India Pvt.Ltd. 8.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/050
49 LANKALAPALLI SANDHYA RANI 21331A0485 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/051
50 LENKA DEEPIKA 21331A0486 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/052
51 LINGUDU POOJITHA 21331A0487 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/053
52 SAI DHANUSH MACHCHA 21331A0488 [email protected] RAAM Group 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/055
53 MADHU TAMANNA SINGH 21331A0490 [email protected] GLOBAL AI Technologies 14 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/056
54 MADUGULA MOHITH 21331A0491 [email protected] ApMosys Technologies 4 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/058
55 MAJJI SRAVANTHI 21331A0492 [email protected] Infosys 3.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/060
56 MADAKA PREMSAGAR 21331A0496 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/061
57 MANDALA CHARAN KUMAR 21331A0497 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/062
58 MANEPALLI GOWTHAMI 21331A0498 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/063
59 MANUKONDA GAYATRI VENI 21331A0499 [email protected] VTS Enterprise India Pvt.Ltd. 8.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/064
60 MOHAMMED SAMEER 21331A04A0 [email protected] Cape Electric 4 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/066
61 MOLLI HEMANTH 21331A04A1 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/067
62 MOTURU HARSHA KAVITHA 21331A04A2 [email protected] Infosys 3.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/068
63 M DHEERAJ 21331A04A3 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/069
64 N VENKATA SAI KIRAN 21331A04A8 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/070
65 NAIDU REVATHI 21331A04A9 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/071
66 NALLAMILI SV DURGA UMA MAHESWARA REDDY 21331A04B0 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/072
67 PALAVALASA PRASAD NAIDU 21331A04B4 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/073
68 PALURI VENKATA BHARGAV NAIDU 21331A04B5 [email protected] RAAM Group 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/075
69 PANDRAKA CHAITHANYA PRADEEPTHI 21331A04B6 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/076
70 PAPPALA NEERAJ 21331A04B7 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/077
71 PEDAPATI NITHIN DURGA 21331A04B9 [email protected] Cape Electric 4 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/078
72 PINAGADI MEGHANA 21331A04C4 [email protected] Infosys 3.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/080
73 PINNINTI AMULYA 21331A04C5 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/081
74 POLAVARAPU UMAKIRAN 21331A04C7 [email protected] Cape Electric 4 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/083
75 POOSAPATI KIRANMAI 21331A04C9 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/084
76 PUDI SAI PRAVEEN NAIDU 21331A04D3 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/085
77 R SATYA SAI 21331A04D7 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/086
78 RUPPA BALAJI KRISHNA VAMSI 21331A04D8 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/087
79 SABBELLA HARSHINI REDDY 21331A04E0 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/088
80 SAMANTHULA SUHASINI 21331A04E2 [email protected] Infosys 3.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/090
81 SANCHANA SANDEEP 21331A04E3 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/091
82 S.GAYATHRI 21331A04E4 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/092
83 SAPPA ABHILASH 21331A04E5 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/093
84 SARAGADA USHA SRI 21331A04E7 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/094
85 SARIKI SRINU 21331A04E8 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/095
86 TRIVENI SEEPANA 21331A04F1 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/096
87 SEERA SAI RESHMA 21331A04F2 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/097
88 SHAIK USMAN 21331A04F7 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/098
89 SIRIKI MADHUSUDHANARAO 21331A04F9 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/099
90 SIRISHA TATIKONDA 21331A04G0 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/100
91 SUNKARI BHANU PRASAD 21331A04G3 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/101
92 SURAMPALLI SRUJANA SRI 21331A04G4 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/102
93 TALADA ANIL KUMAR 21331A04G5 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/103
94 TATA VENKATA YESWANTH 21331A04G7 [email protected] 24/7 AI 3.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/104
95 TEDLAPU JYNANESH 21331A04G8 [email protected] RAAM Group 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/106
96 T ROHAN 21331A04G9 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/107
97 THADIVADA ANITHA 21331A04H0 [email protected] VTS Enterprise India Pvt.Ltd. 8.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/108
98 THOLETI JYOTHSNA KUMARI 21331A04H2 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/111
99 VANAPALLI TANYA SAMRITA 21331A04H9 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/112
100 VANDRANGI SAI ASHRITHA 21331A04I0 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/113
101 VEESAM VENKATA VIJAY KUMAR 21331A04I2 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/114
102 VENKATA ROHIT DASARI 21331A04I3 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/115
103 YALLA MANOJ KUMAR 21331A04I6 [email protected] Innomatics Research Labs   IT company IN1255041
104 YEJARLA PRANAY SASI VARMA 21331A04I8 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/116
105 GEDELA SAGARKUMAR 21331A04J0 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/117
106 KAPU JNANESWARI 21331A04J1 [email protected] Innomatics Research Labs   IT company IN1255688
107 NETULA ANIL 21331A04J3 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/119
108 SADHU APARNA DEVI 21331A04J5 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/120
109 SUNDARA HIMAJA 21331A04J7 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/121
110 P. USHA SREE 21331A04J8 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/122
111 CHAINI KIRAN KUMAR 22335A0405 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/123
112 DANDA PREM KUMAR 22335A0406 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/124
113 ELLAPU KAVYA 22335A0407 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/125
114 KALDI THARUN KUMAR 22335A0408 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/126
115 KONADA SATHVIKA 22335A0409 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/127
116 KOTA.YERNAMMA 22335A0410 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/128
117 MOLLETI SAI VYSHNAVL 22335A0411 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/129
118 BALA SUBRAHMANYAM PITCHUKA 22335A0412 [email protected] e-Infochips Private Limited 4 Lakhs Core company 25225
119 SHAIK ABDUL SHARFARAAZ 22335A0414 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/130
120 SIRIGIRI PUJITA 22335A0415 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/131
121 VEMULA DANIEL 22335A0418 [email protected] Amphenol 3.9 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/132
Placements AY _2023-2024 (2020 Batch)
Sl  No Name of student Regn No Email ID Name of Employer CTC Type(core/IT) Employement Number/Reference no
1 ADABALA VENKATESH 20331A0401 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/001
2 AKONDI VENKATA SAI PRATHYUSHA 20331A0405 [email protected] Tata Consultancy Services 3.36 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/002
3 AMPOLU HAVILA PRIYA 20331A0406 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company 5014159
4 ARISETTY VENKATA KARTHIK GUPTA 20331A0410 [email protected] TCS Digital 7 Lakhs IT company TCSL/CT20234161307/Hyderabad
5 A.RAJA SEKHAR 20331A0411 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/003
6 ASHISH KUMAR PALO 20331A0414 [email protected] Tata Consultancy Services  3.36 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/004
7 BACHIRAJU ADITYAPAVAN 20331A0416 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company 13921701
8 BADIA CHINNI KRISHNA 20331A0417 [email protected] Qspiders 4.2 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/005
9 BALAGAM NARESH KUMAR 20331A0420 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/006
10 BALIVADA SRI CHARITHA 20331A0422 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company C06375201
11 SRINIVAS BALIVADA 20331A0423 [email protected] Pennant Technologies 6.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/007
12 BALIVADA VENKATA SAI RAMYA 20331A0424 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company IN048300231561024
13 BANDARU GAYATHRI 20331A0426 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company 5013660
14 BODDU VIKRAM ADITYA 20331A0429 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/008
15 BODNAYAKUNI TARUN KUMAR 20331A0430 [email protected] IIT Hyd-TiHan 2.64 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/009
16 B YAMINI SAI SRI 20331A0431 [email protected] ExcelR 3 - 6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/010
17 BONDADA PRAVEEN 20331A0434 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/011
18 BOTCHA KANVAL 20331A0437 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/012
19 SAI DHANUSH BURADA S S V 20331A0438 [email protected] Pennant Technologies 6.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/013
20 CHATLA SOWMYA 20331A0440 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/014
21 CHINTALAPATI SRI PRAVALLIKA 20331A0444 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company 5014077
22 CHINTAPALLI KRISHNA BABU 20331A0445 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/015
23 CHITRAPU SAI TEJA 20331A0446 [email protected] RINEX TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/016
24 DALAWAI HARSHA TEJA REDDY 20331A0448 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/017
25 DAMMU BHANU PRAKASH 20331A0450 [email protected] KodNest 3.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/018
26 DASETTI GRACY TERESA 20331A0451 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/019
27 DEVISETTY VENKATA NAGA RAGHAVA 20331A0452 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/020
28 D LOHITH KUMAR 20331A0456 [email protected] MS Square Technologies 4-6 Lakhs IT company MSS24-0370
29 DONGA PAVAN MUKESH 20331A0458 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/021
30 DUNNA RASAGNA 20331A0459 [email protected] DSYET 1.2 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/022
31 DUPPATLA PAVANKUMAR 20331A0460 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/023
32 EARLE VENKATA ANUSHA 20331A0461 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company 30030854
33 ELLAPU SUCHITRA 20331A0462 [email protected] Sameer 3.84Lakhs Core company 27(4)/2024/HRO/301
34 GADI AKHILA 20331A0463 [email protected] KodNest 3.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/024
35 GANDRETI PRITHVI RAJ 20331A0464 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/025
36 GONAPA SHOWRYA BABU 20331A0468 [email protected] Hitachi vantara 5.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/026
37 G LOHITH NAIDU 20331A0469 [email protected] Hitachi Digital Services 2.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/027
38 GORLI KEERTHI SUGANDH 20331A0471 [email protected] ORGWare 6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/028
39 GRANDHI HEMANTH KUMAR  20331A0472 [email protected] TCS 3.6 Lakhs IT company TCSL/DT20234169827/2247646/Hyderabad
40 GUDE YESWANTH KUMAR 20331A0473 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/029
41 GUMMADI YASWANTH 20331A0474 [email protected] Spot Mies 1.2 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/030
42 HARIKA MAJJI 20331A0477 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/031
43 ILLAPU SAI GANESH 20331A0478 [email protected] Tech Mahindra  3.25 Lakhs IT company 1074492
44 ISSAI VASUDEVA RAO 20331A0479 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/032
45 JAGARAPU VYDEHI 20331A0481 [email protected] Moschip Technologies 6 Lakhs Core company 2650
46 JALLURI LOKESH 20331A0482 [email protected] TCS Digital 7 Lakhs IT company TCSL/CT20234163128/Hyderabad
47 JARU KEERTHI 20331A0484 [email protected] KodNest 3.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/033
48 KADRAKA POLANDORA 20331A0487 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/034
49 KANDULA VEERA GANGADHAR 20331A0488 [email protected] ORGWare 6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/035
50 KAROTHI VENKATA DINESH CHANDRA 20331A0489 [email protected] MS Square Technologies 4-6 Lakhs IT company MSS24-0372
51 KARROTU DEVAKI DEVI 20331A0490 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company C06354957
52 KARTHIK KUMAR DORA ASARI 20331A0491 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/036
53 KINTHALI SAI RAJU 20331A0494 [email protected] ORGWare 8 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/037
54 KODUKULLA VENKATA KRISHNA HARITHA 20331A0495 [email protected] Movate technologies 3.75 Lakhs IT company 162481
55 K BHAVANI SAI KUMAR 20331A0496 [email protected] Spot Mies 1.2 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/038
56 KOPPUSETTI HARIKA 20331A0498 [email protected] Qspiders 4.2 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/039
57 LADE.TUSHAR SAI 20331A04A3 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/040
58 MACHARLA NAGA DHARANI 20331A04A7 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company C06403244
59 MADDILA HEMA SUMA 20331A04A8 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 3.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/041
60 MALLA PREM VENKATA KUMAR 20331A04B0 [email protected] Pfizer 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/042
61 MANDALA HARIKA 20331A04B2 [email protected] Moschip Technologies 6 Lakhs Core company 2657
62 MATCHA SAI POOJITHA 20331A04B3 [email protected] ExcelR 3 - 6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/043
63 MOHAMMAD FARHAAN 20331A04B4 [email protected] Schneider Electric 3.5 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/044
64 MUPPANA VENKATA BHARGAVA CHANDRA 20331A04B6 [email protected] ORGWare 8 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/045
65 MURAHARIRAO SURYATEJA 20331A04B8 [email protected] MS Square Technologies 4-6 Lakhs IT company MSS24-0374
66 MURALASETTI GOWTHAM SHANKAR 20331A04B9 [email protected] TCS Digital 7 Lakhs IT company TCSL/CT20234162477/Hyderabad
67 NADIMINTI JEEVAN 20331A04C0 [email protected] Electromotion E-vidyut Vehicles pvt ltd 3.5 Lakhs Core company 2024/EI/0085
68 NAGA VENKATA TARUN JINNALA 20331A04C2 [email protected] Pennant Technologies 6.5 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/046
69 NALLABATI SRAVANI 20331A04C3 [email protected] MS Square Technologies 4-6 Lakhs IT company MSS24-0375
70 NEELA ANUSHA 20331A04C4 [email protected] Schneider Electric 3.5 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/047
71 NIKKU NISHITHA 20331A04C5 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/048
72 PASI LAXMAN DURGA PRASAD 20331A04C8 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/049
73 PATHALA SAI UDAY LOKESH 20331A04C9 [email protected] Pfizer 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/050
74 YENNI TARUN KUMAR 20331A04D0 [email protected] TCS Digital 7 Lakhs IT company TCSL/CT20244367549/Hyderabad
75 PEEREKATLA UDAY KIRAN 20331A04D2 [email protected] MS Square Technologies 4-6 Lakhs IT company MSS24-0376
76 P.SRIKAVYA 20331A04D3 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/051
77 PENTAPATI SADHANA LALITHA 20331A04D4 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company C06348786
78 PENUGONDA SAI 20331A04D5 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/052
79 P. PAVAN KUMAR 20331A04D6 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/053
80 PILLA CHATURYA 20331A04D7 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/054
81 PINNINTI SMRUTHI 20331A04D8 [email protected] TESSOLVE 3.72 Lakhs Core company T1625
82 PITTA RAJESH  20331A04D9 [email protected] Jyoti microelectronics  4 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/055
83 PRAKESHKAMAL 20331A04E1 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/056
84 PUKKELLA ANJALI 20331A04E2 [email protected] Pfizer 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/057
85 PULAKHANDAM ROHITH 20331A04E3 [email protected] ExcelR 3 - 6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/058
86 PYDI RASMITHA 20331A04E5 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company 30029612
87 P. HARSHITHA RAMAA VENKAT 20331A04E6 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/059
88 RANDHI SAILIKHITHA 20331A04E7 [email protected] Pfizer 3 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/060
89 RANGUMUDRI ALEKHYA 20331A04E8 [email protected] WEBSOC STUDIO PRIVATE LIMITED 1.44 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/061
90 SAKALABHAKTULA ROOPCHAND 20331A04F2 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/062
91 SAMPATHIRAO MAHESH 20331A04F4 [email protected] TCS 3.36 Lakhs IT company TCSL/DT20234169787/2247845/Hyderabad
92 SANAPALA VATHSALYA 20331A04F5 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/063
93 SANKILI GOURISHANKAR RAO 20331A04F6 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/064
94 SAVARA NAVEEN 20331A04F9 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/065
95 SHAIK ABDUL KADAR JILANI 20331A04G1 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/066
96 SHAIK DAVOOD 20331A04G2 [email protected] Cognizant  3 Lakhs IT company 2360168
97 NANDITA SINGH 20331A04G5 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company 5013783
98 SIRUVURU NYMISHA 20331A04G6 [email protected] Constient 8.5 Lakhs IT company VTS2025054
99 SIRUVURU ROHINI 20331A04G7 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/067
100 T.ANIL 20331A04G8 [email protected] Schneider Electric 3.5 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/068
101 T.DILEEP KUMAR 20331A04G9 [email protected] Schneider Electric 3.5 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/069
102 T. RENUKA 20331A04H1 [email protected] ExcelR 3 - 6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/070
103 TIRUMALARAJU HARSHITHA 20331A04H3 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company C06353309
104 UGGINA RAMESH 20331A04H4 [email protected] Pfizer 2.65 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/071
105 V SAI SRI NIKHITA 20331A04H6 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company 30030253
106 VAISHNAVI GUPTA 20331A04H7 [email protected] ORGWare 6 lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/072
107 VANAPALLI SHINY ANGEL 20331A04H9 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company C06801504
108 VANGAPANDU PAVAN SATYA SAI 20331A04I0 [email protected] Schneider Electric 3.5 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/073
109 VARANASI RENUKA 20331A04I3 [email protected] Accenture 4.6 Lakhs IT company C06772744
110 VULLI LEELA VENKATA PHANINDRA 20331A04I8 [email protected] CISCO 4 Lakhs IT company 1853289
111 Y.SURYA DHANUSH 20331A04I9 [email protected] Schneider Electric 3.5 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/074
112 Y.PADMA THANMAI 20331A04J1 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/075
113 JAGANNADH KALLA 20331A04J2 [email protected] VIBS Infosol 12 Lakhs IT company VTS2025132
114 A.VENKATA PAVAN KUMAR  20335A0402 [email protected] Efftronics Systems Pvt.Ltd 4.6 Lakhs Core company EFF/HRD/24-25/OFF/089
115 CHINNI DIVYA SHANTHI 21335A0402 [email protected] Capgemini 4.25 Lakhs IT company 5013541
116 DOOLI VYSHNAVI 21335A0404 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 3.25 Lakhs IT company 1088841
117 G.SATHISH 21335A0405 [email protected] Smart-Waves Technologies pvt.ltd 1.8 Lakhs Core company 20324
118 JALAGADUGULA YAMINI 21335A0407 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 3.6 Lakhs IT company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/076
119 M.LAKSHMI YOJANA 21335A0409 [email protected] Smart-Waves Technologies pvt.ltd 1.8 Lakhs Core company 20319
120 P.SANKAR 21335A0410 [email protected] Smart-Waves Technologies pvt.ltd 1.8 Lakhs Core company 20323
121 P.BHAVYA SREE 21335A0411 [email protected] Smart-Waves Technologies pvt.ltd 1.8 Lakhs Core company 20318
122 S.HARSHA VARDHAN PAI 21335A0414 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/077
123 SHAIK ARSHAD 21335A0415 [email protected] Hyoseong Electric India Pvt.Ltd. 3.25 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/078
124 V TEJA SRI 21335A0416 [email protected] BYD Electronics 3 Lakhs Core company ECE/MVGR/2023-24/079
125 Y.SOWJANYA 21335A0419 [email protected] Smart-Waves Technologies pvt.ltd 1.8 Lakhs IT company 20325
Placements AY _2022-2023 (2019 Batch)
Sl  No Name of student Regn No Email ID Name of Employer CTC Type(core/IT) Employement Number/Reference no
1 MANOHAR BENDI 18331A0416 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/001
2 SAI LAKSHMI ADAPAKA 19331A0401 [email protected] Skillvertex 600000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/002
3 KUSUMA ADARI 19331A0402 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/003
4 HARSHA VARDHINI AGATAMUDI  19331A0403 [email protected] Evoke Technologies 450000 IT company 5508
5 ALLA DINESH 19331A0404 [email protected] SelectSYS 350000 IT company 11727
6 SOWRYA DEEPIKA 19331A0405 [email protected] Rafter One 450000 - 600000   IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/004
7 VENKATA NAVEEN ARISETTY 19331A0410 [email protected] VPG Sensors 240000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/005
8 BALLA SASHANK 19331A0417 [email protected] Tech Mahindra  325000 IT company 1034945
9 BANKAPALLI VENKATA SAI HARINI 19331A0418 [email protected] Cognizant 400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/006
10 GAYATHRI BETHANAPALLI 19331A0421 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/007
11 HARI KIRAN BOLLI 19331A0424 [email protected] Pennant Technologies 300000 IT company 961
12 BONI DIVYA 19331A0425 [email protected] Amazon 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/008
13 UDAY GANESHBUDDHA 19331A0427 [email protected] Miracle Software Systems 260000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/009
14 LEELA CHELLAPILLA 19331A0429 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20223969232/Hyderabad
15 CHIRUKURI UTTAM 19331A0434 [email protected] Ducom Instruments Pvt.Ltd 600000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/010
16 CHITIKANA ALEKHYA 19331A0435 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company 2567415
17 CHOPPA RAHUL PRIYATHAM 19331A0436 [email protected] Chipslove Technologies Pvt. Ltd, 500000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/011
18 CHUKKALA SAI DEVAKI NANDAN 19331A0439 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 330000 IT company 991025
19 KUSUMA DABBADA 19331A0440 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company 2656400
20 DARBHA SRI VENKATA SAI GNANA AMULYA 19331A0443 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company TCSL/DT20229600265/Hyderabad
21 DWARAPUREDDI HARSHITHA 19331A0445 [email protected] Varnam Technologies 180000 IT company VT052
22 ANUSHA EROTHU 19331A0446 [email protected] Amazon 260000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/012
23 BHANU GANESH GADULA  19331A0447 [email protected] Evoke Technologies 450000 IT company 5516
24 GANDIPILLI SUGUNA  19331A0448 [email protected] SAMEER CE3 360000 Core company 27(4)/2023/CCO/101
25 GANGADA UDAY KIRAN 20331A0449 [email protected] YEET Tech Pvt Ltd 3 Lakhs IT company NEG400
26 GATTI.KATYAYANI DEVI 19331A0450 [email protected] Evoke Technologies 450000 IT company 5518
27 GIDUTURI HEMA CHANDRIKA 19331A0451 [email protected] SAMEER CE3 360000 Core company 27(4)/2023/CCO/103
28 GOCHIPATHALA SRINIVAS 19331A0452 [email protected] intouch 380000 IT company H072439075
29 GOMPA ROHIT 19331A0453 [email protected] HYATT 180000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/013
30 GRANDHI NIKHILA 19331A0455 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 330000 IT company 991141
31 YAMINI GRANDHI 19331A0456 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20223980177/Hyderabad
32 LAKSHMIKANTH 19331A0457 [email protected] Lotus Wireless 300000 IT company 9592
33 PRIYANKAINTI 19331A0462 [email protected] Miracle Software Systems 250000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/014
34 ESWARI PRASANNAJAKKILINKI 19331A0463 [email protected] Miracle Software Systems 260000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/015
35 JAMPANA VENKATA SIVA SATYA SAI NIHARIKA 19331A0464 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 325000 IT company 1032359
36 JERRIPOTHULA RANGA SAI PAVAN 19331A0466 [email protected] Coastal Energen Pvt Ltd 400000 Core company 14279
37 KADIYAM SAI CHIRANJEEVI  19331A0467 [email protected] Hyundai Motors R&D 360000 Core company T423130
38 KALLA DURGA PRASAD 19331A0468 [email protected] Analog Port 450000 Core company AP0147
39 KALLEMPUDI SRAVANI LAVANYA 19331A0469 [email protected] KPIT 450000 IT company 157779
40 NAGA SRAVYA KALAMCHETI 19331A0470 [email protected] CSS Corp 320000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/016
41 HARI KAMSU 19331A0471 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20223827655/Hyderabad
42 KANAKAM RESHMA 19331A0472 [email protected] VPG Sensors 240000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/017
43 DEVI PRAVALLIKA KANDI 19331A0473 [email protected] MedhaServo 448000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/018
44 KANDULA VASAVI TANUJA 19331A0474 [email protected] KPIT 450000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/019
45 KANURI HARSHA VARDHAN 19331A0475 [email protected] RMSI 255000 IT company SZ11073
46 NARSUNAIDU KARANAM 19331A0476 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20234133879/Hyderabad
47 DINESH KARASU  19331A0477 [email protected] Evoke Technologies 450000 IT company 5511
48 KARANAM ADARSH 19331A0478 [email protected] AMD,Hyderabad 500000 Core company 50089674
49 KASI SAI LAYA 19331A0479 [email protected] Globallogic Technologies  276000 IT company GL08-FM-PD-060
50 SAI KOCHERLA 19331A0481 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/DT20223166727/Hyderabad
51 K. KARTHIK 19331A0483 [email protected] Pennant Technologies 1700000 IT company 775
52 KONDETI GNANESWARA RAO 19331A0484 [email protected] Infor 600000 IT company 130526
53 KONDETI SUPRIYA 19331A0485 [email protected] CSG 420000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/020
54 KOTA SURESH KUMAR 19331A0488 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 325000 IT company 847548/2302147/ELTP
55 SUKANYA KOTHAPALLI 19331A0489 [email protected] Accenture 464000 IT company C10273275
56 KULUKURI VENKATA SAI GAYATRI 19331A0492 [email protected] Tekion India 600000 IT company 15895
57 KUNISETTI SAI ABHIGNA 19331A0493 [email protected] Evoke Technologies 450000 IT company 5514
58 AASHRITHA KUTCHARLAPATI 19331A0494 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20223827869/Hyderabad
59 LAMA STEWENCE NEWTON 19331A0496 [email protected] Infor 680000 IT company 132766
60 VENKATESH MADDALA 19331A0497 [email protected] SPR Human Capital Solutions 270000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/021
61 LAHARI MANDALA 19331A04A1 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company 2655750
62 MERUPULA AKANKSHA 19331A04A5 [email protected] Nineleaps 600000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/022
63 ANUSHA MOLLI  19331A04A7 [email protected] Open Five (Open Silicon) 1000000 Core company 333
64 MUNGANDA JAYA KRISHNA 19331A04A8 [email protected] Open Five (Open Silicon) 1000000 Core company 327
65 MUVVALA VAHINI 19331A04A9 [email protected] Pennant Technologies 550000 IT company 843
66 NAGOTU BHANU PRAKASH 19331A04B1 [email protected] Filmy Moji 360000 IT company FMU1026
67 VENKATA SAI RAMACHANDRA RAJU NALLAPARAJU 19331A04B2 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 330000 IT company 2174743 / ELTP-CAMPUS / 2023
68 NALLI THANUSHA SAI 19331A04B3 [email protected] KPIT 450000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/023
69 NARRA SYAHITHA 19331A04B4 [email protected] Chipspirit technologies Pvt Ltd 500000 Core company 185
70 JAYAPRAKASH NEELAMSETTI  19331A04B5 [email protected] KodNest 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/024
71 KARUNA NIDIGATLA 19331A04B6 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20223830245/Hyderabad
72 NIDUGUNDA JYOTHSNA PRIYA 19331A04B7 [email protected] Tekwissen 180000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/025
73 NIRUJOGI LOKESH 19331A04C0 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 330000 IT company 2175478 / ELTP-CAMPUS / 2023
74 PADALA DURGA SHYAM KUMAR REDDY 19331A04C2 [email protected] Logisoft 300000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/026
75 PADALA NAVYA  19331A04C3 [email protected] Evoke Technologies 450000 IT company 5525
76 PADALA VYSHNAVI SINDHU 19331A04C4 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 410000 IT company 1029003
77 PAMETI NEERAJ 19331A04C6 [email protected] Pennant Technologies 1700000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/027
78 PANANGAPALLI SRAVANI 19331A04C7 [email protected] Wipro 300000 IT company 28262277
79 SYAMALA.PANDRANKI 19331A04C8 [email protected] VPG Sensors 240000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/028
80 PARIMI HEMANJALI 19331A04D1 [email protected] MedhaServo 448000 IT company 911398
81 PATHRI SHARMILA 19331A04D2 [email protected]  Keka Technologies 800000 IT company 3108
82 SAI KIRAN PEDIREDLA 19331A04D3 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20223998278/Hyderabad
83 BHARGAVI PENDYALA 19331A04D4 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company TCSL/DT20229612004/Hyderabad
84 PENDYALA JAYANTH 19331A04D5 [email protected] ITVersity Solutions India Pvt Ltd 120000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/029
85 PETLA ABHIRAM 19331A04D7 [email protected] EKIPIT 120000 IT company EKIPIT/IO2024IN001
86 POLUPARTHI VAMSI 19331A04D9 [email protected] Analog Port 450000 Core company AP0133
87 PUDI VAMSI 19331A04E1 [email protected] Splash business intelligence pvt lmt 500000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/030
88 ASHITA PUSAPATI 19331A04E2 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company 2657960
89 RANDHI YUVA SIVA SAI PREETHI 19331A04E5 [email protected] AMD,Hyderabad 500000 Core company 50088384
90 REDDI SRI HARSHAVARDHAN 19331A04E6 [email protected] CISCO 456000 IT company 1850891
91 YAMINI REGANI 19331A04E7 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company 2563914
92 SAI SRIJA KOTRA 19331A04E8 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20223981785/Hyderabad
93 SAMBANGINARAPATRAGIRI CHANDRA SEKHAR 19331A04F0 [email protected] Pennant Technologies 1700000 IT company 773
94 SANKA PRIYANKA  19331A04F1 [email protected] VPG Sensors 240000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/031
95 LIKHITA SANKABATTULA 19331A04F2 [email protected] TCS Ninja - Salesforce 360000 IT company 2656469
96 SEEMAKURTHI VENKATA SAI MAHESH GUPTA 19331A04F4 [email protected] Tech Mahindra 330000 IT company 991144
97 SHAIK AFIRAD SAI AKESH 19331A04F6 [email protected] FedserV 300000 IT company FS3489
98 SHAIK ISMAIL 19331A04F7 [email protected] Lotus Wireless 300000 IT company 9803
99 AMRUTHA SIMHADRI  19331A04G0 [email protected] Evoke Technologies 450000 IT company 5515
100 SRI VISHNU SATHVIK PEDDINTI 19331A04G3 [email protected] IIT Hyd-TiHan 96000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/032
101 SRIYA BEHERA 19331A04G4 [email protected] IIT Hyd-TiHan 96000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/033
102 SUNKARI VENKATA NAGA PRANEELA 19331A04G5 [email protected] IIT Hyd-TiHan 96000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/034
103 TANDRANKI THANUJA 19331A04G7 [email protected] MedhaServo 448000 IT company 911629
104 RAVI 19331A04G8 [email protected] Lotus Wireless 300000 IT company 9593
105 NAGA MOHAN THOTAKURA 19331A04G9 [email protected] Horiba India 400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/035
106 TOGARA SATYANARAYANA RAJU 19331A04H1 [email protected] SION Semiconductors(Tremesilica) 240000 Core company 73
107 PAVAN UNNAVA 19331A04H4 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20223998246/Hyderabad
108 I VANDANA MUDADLA  19331A04H6 [email protected] KodNest 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/036
109 SIVAPRASAD VEGIREDDI 19331A04H8 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20224014052/Hyderabad
110 VELAGA SARISHMA 19331A04H9 [email protected] AMD,Hyderabad 500000 Core company 50089678
111 VETCHA RAJITHA 19331A04I1 [email protected] MediaTek 900000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/037
112 VIJINIGIRI SOWJANYA 19331A04I2 [email protected] Hidden Brains 300000 IT company 38086/HB/HR/LOI-I/Nov/2022
113 VOLLI SASIBHUSHANA RAO 19331A04I4 [email protected] Hyundai Motors R&D 360000 Core company T423127
114 VOMMIDAPU CHINNI 19331A04I5 [email protected] Vcube software solutions  240000 IT company VCST_99486
115 SARATH VULLI 19331A04I6  [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20224022184/Hyderabad
116 YAMALA TARUN 19331A04I7 [email protected] SPR Human Capital Solutions 270000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/038
117 Y.SIRISHA RANI 19331A04J0 [email protected] Evoke Technologies 450000 IT company 5524
118 YELLABILLI DEEPAK 19331A04J2 [email protected]  Lotus Wireless 300000 IT company 9594
119 MOUNIKA 20335A0401 [email protected] IBM 450000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/039
120 VAMSI KRISHNA RAJU BHALLAM 20335A0403 [email protected] Miracle Software Systems 250000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/040
121 BHEEMASINGI CHANDANA 20335A0404 [email protected] Movate 320000 IT company 154751
122 GURUGUBELLI HEMA LATHA 20335A0406 [email protected] Efftronics 530000 Core company EFF/HRD/22-23/OFF-RD/0214
123 BHAVISHYA KANDREGULA 20335A0408 [email protected] KPIT 450000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/041
124 LOCHARLA DEEPIKA 20335A0409 [email protected] Patra india  160000 IT company 17365
125 KEERTHANA MADAGALA 20335A0410 [email protected] MedhaServo 448000 IT company 911630
126 NADUPURU ESWARA RAO 20335A0411 [email protected] MedhaServo 448000 IT company 911631
127 SAI UDAY KIRAN PARVATAM 20335A0412 [email protected] TCS NQT 360000 IT company 2561346
128 PENTA SIVA SIRISHA 20335A0414 [email protected]  Probeplus 900000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/042
129 RAYIPALLI YASODHA 20335A0416 [email protected] Patra bpo services  250000 IT company 17440
130 SHAIK RAFHI 20335A0417 [email protected] SPR Human Capital Solutions 270000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/043
131 SHAIK TAJUDDIN BABA 20335A0418 [email protected] SPR Human Capital Solutions 270000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/044
132 TAMMINENI KULADEEPRAJU 20335A0419 [email protected] Hyundai Motors R&D 550000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2022-23/045
Placements AY _2021-2022 (2018 Batch)
Sl  No Name of student Regn No Email ID Name of Employer CTC Type(core/IT) Employement Number/Reference no
1 AKI VENKATA SAI LAKSHMI 18331A0401 [email protected] Wipro 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/001
2 AKKIVARAPU BHARATH KUMAR  18331A0402 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company 1709068
3 ALLU JITENDRA  18331A0403 [email protected]  WIPRO 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/002
4 ANDHAVARAPU SAI SAMPATH KUMAR 18331A0404 [email protected] TCS 540000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/003
5 VISWA TEJA ANGULURI 18331A0405 [email protected] Cognizant 400000 IT company 19125700
6 DINESHKUMAR ANNEPU  18331A0406 [email protected]  WIPRO  380000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/004
7 ANUPOJU AMRUTHA 18331A0407 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/005
8 ANUPOJU HARI CHANDANA 18331A0408 [email protected] HCL 425000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/006
9 VENKATA VIKAS BACHIRAJU 18331A0410 [email protected] WIPRO 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/007
10 BADAMPUDI SAI KUMAR 18331A0411 [email protected] Virtusa 450000 IT company 8131404
11 BANDALUPPI AKHIL SAI  18331A0412  [email protected]  KOTAK bank 336000 IT company 266801
12 BASAVANA JYOTHIKA  18331A0413 [email protected]  HCL 425000 Core company HRD/3T/1004439211/22-23
13 BEHARA YESWANTH 18331A0415 [email protected] Cognizant 400000 IT company 2133524
14 BETHA AVINASH 18331A0417 [email protected] TCS 336000 IT company 2175300
15 SAI HEMANTH KUMAR BHAVANA 18331A0418 [email protected] wipro 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/008
16 B. SIVA SRI SAI SANKAR  18331A0419 [email protected]  BLACK BOX 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/009
17 BOBBADI PADMAVATHI 18331A0420 [email protected] TCS 336000 IT company TCSL/CT20203284673/Hyderabad
18 PRASOONA PRASOO 18331A0421 [email protected]  HCL 425000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/010
19 BONULA PRAMODA  18331A0422  [email protected]  Infosys  360000 IT company 1285423
20 NIHAR BUDDHA 18331A0423 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company 1251689
21 BUDUMURU DHARANI 18331A0424 [email protected] imeds 360000 Core company imeds/HRD/15/2024-25/70
22 CHANDANA PRIYA MISRA  18331A0425 [email protected]  HCL 425000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/011
23 CHARISHMA POTNURU 18331A0426  [email protected]  HCL 425000 Core company 52141339
24 CHELLIBOYINA SAI NANDINI 18331A0427 [email protected] WIPRO 425000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/012
25 CHINTADA MANOHAR 18331A0428 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/013
26 CHINTALAPATI BHARGAVA RAJU 18331A0429 [email protected] TCS 336000 IT company 2133305
27 CH.KAVYASREE 18331A0430 [email protected]  WIPRO 425000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/014
28  CHODIPILLI RAVI KUMAR 18331A0431 [email protected] HCL 425000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/015
29 CH AJAN KUMAR 18331A0432 [email protected] INFOSYS 350000 IT company HRD/NOBA/1003072349
30 VINAY REDDY 18331A0434 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/016
31 D.JERUSHA SHARON ROSE 18331A0435 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/017
32 DASARI GAYATRI 18331A0436 [email protected] Cognizant 400000 IT company 1239329
33 DATLA SURYANARAYANA RAJU 18331A0437 [email protected] Release OWL 400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/018
34 D.PUJITHA 18331A0439 [email protected] WIPRO 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/019
35 EARLA JYOTHIRMAIE 18331A0442 [email protected] HCL 425000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/020
36 EARLA RAHUL SAI  18331A0443 [email protected]  ZenQ 360000 IT company 52149070
37 EJAZ ABBAS 18331A0444 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/021
38 GANDEM PRADEEP 18331A0445 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company IN048462488310722
39 G PAVANI 18331A0446 [email protected] Infosys 360000 IT company 1285357
40 GOMPA PRANEETHA  18331A0448 [email protected]  HCL 425000 Core company 52138709
41 G.LYDIA JOYCE 18331A0449 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/022
42 GOTTETI MOUNIKA  18331A0450 [email protected]  WIPRO 425000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/023
43 GOVADA GOWTHAM KRISHNA 18331A0451 [email protected] Ambit 350000 Core company AB/HR/EOL/2.0a
44 GOVIND LENKA  18331A0452 [email protected] HCL  425000 Core company 52130570
45 GUJJALA SRINIVAS  18331A0454 [email protected]  ZENQ  360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/024
46 GOWRI SHANKAR GUMMIDI 18331A0456 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/025
47 HEMADRI NEERAJA 18331A0457 [email protected] Tessolve 550000 Core company 11098
48 I PRAMODH VIJAY VARMA  18331A0458 [email protected]  No broker.com 410000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/026
49 LOKESH 18331A0460 [email protected]  Cognizant 350000 IT company 21087057
50 KADULURI SASI KIRAN REDDY  18331A0461 [email protected]  Park control and communication  360000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/027
51 KANCHIPATI GANGADHAR 18331A0463 [email protected]  CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/028
52 KETALA GAYATRI SANJANA 18331A0464 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/029
53 KILAPARTHI KRANTI KIRAN 18331A0465 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/030
54 KINTADA SATYA BRAHMANANDA BHAVANI SHANKAR 18331A0466 [email protected] Agilysys 1100000 IT company 3278
55 KOMMOJU SAI PRAMODH  18331A0467 [email protected]  TCS 350000 IT company TCSL/CT20203277754/1608162/Hyderabad
56 KONA PUSHPANAND 18331A0468 [email protected] WIPRO 650000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/031
57 KORUPOLU SAI NIKHITHA 18331A0469 [email protected] IBM 450000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/032
58 SHANMUKHA RAO KOTNI 18331A0470 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/033
59 KUPPA ROHINI BHAVANI  18331A0472 [email protected] WIPRO  650000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/034
60 KUPPILI DILEEP  18331A0473 [email protected] WIPRO 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/035
61 SAI PRANEETH KUPPILI  18331A0474 [email protected] WIPRO 900000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/036
62 YESWANTH RAJ KURAMANA 18331A0475 [email protected] TCS 350000 IT company TCSL/CT20213729634/Hyderabad
63 L DINESH KUMAR 18331A0476 [email protected] Cogent E Serives 250000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/037
64 GEETHA PRASANNA LAGUDU  18331A0477 [email protected]  CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company 46248827
65 LANKA HARI BABU 18331A0479 [email protected] ProntEff IT Solutions 450000 IT company PE1122
66 MAMIDI CHANDINI 18331A0483 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company 20385496
67 MANAPURAM THRYLOKYA 18331A0484 [email protected] TCS 400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/038
68 M.NIKHIL VAMSI 18331A0485 [email protected] TCS 700000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/039
69 SAI MANOGNA MANDAPAKA 18331A0486 [email protected] Mercedes Benz Research and Development, India.  1000000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/040
70 MANDAPATI ADITYA VARMA  18331A0487 [email protected]  HCL  425000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/041
71 SOWMYA MARADANA 18331A0488 [email protected] UTS global 350000 IT company 237910
72 MARUVADA VENKATA NAGA SWETHA  18331A0490  [email protected]  CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/042
73 MD ABDUL AZEEM 18331A0491 [email protected] TCS 425000 IT company TCSL/CT20213729536/1603528/Hyderabad
74 MEESLA. RAJESH NAIDU 18331A0493 [email protected] WIPRO 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/043
75 MEESALA TARUN KUMAR 18331A0494 [email protected] HCL 500000 IT company 52103348
76 MEGHANA VANGAPANDU 18331A0495 [email protected] HCL 425000 Core company 52141384
77 MOIDA SAI SUDHEER 18331A0496 [email protected] WIPRO 500000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/044
78 MOPADA. APARNA 18331A0497 [email protected] TCS 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20203277352/1642412/Hyderabad
79 MOPIDEVI V B SATWIK 18331A0498 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company 6293541/1476431
80 SAI THILOTHAMA M 18331A0499 [email protected] TCS 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20203277278/Hyderabad
81 M. SAI LAKSHMI 18331A04A0 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/045
82 N.BHANU TEJA 18331A04A3 [email protected]  CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/046
83 N PAVAN VISHNU VARMA  18331A04A4 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company 20422468
84 NARAPATI NARENDRA 18331A04A5 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/047
85 N.KRISHNA VAMSI 18331A04A7 [email protected] Kore.ai 336000 IT company D897C97B-4D54-4B36-B213-96E1D01BA193
86 NISHTALA SAI SAILAJA 18331A04A8 [email protected] L&T 336000 Core company GET 2022/ECE/L&T Defence-LT2022179174180739
87 PALAKA RAJESH 18331A04A9 [email protected] TCS 336000 IT company CT20203278054
88 PALLE YASODA  18331A04B2  [email protected]  TCS 336000 IT company 2139457
89 PATIBANDLA NAGA DURGA SUPRIYA 18331A04B5 [email protected] DCCB Bank 456000 IT company 836
90 P.VAMSI 18331A04B6 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/048
91 SAI ADITYA POTNURU 18331A04B7 [email protected] TCS 700000 IT company TCSL/DT20206763342/Hyderabad
92 DEBARKI PRAVEEN KUMAR  18331A04B8 [email protected]  Infosys 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/049
93 PUSARLA NIKHITHA POORNIMA 18331A04C0 [email protected] HYUNDAI MOBIS 450000 Core company 6011580
94 PUTTEPU. MANASA 18331A04C1 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/050
95 RAJANA JAYACHANDRA  18331A04C3 [email protected]  WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/051
96 RALLAPALLI LEELA PRAKASH 18331A04C4 [email protected] Hexaware 300000 IT company 20000078192
97 RALLAPALLI USHA 18331A04C5 [email protected] TCS 450000 IT company 2169729
98 RAMBA JYOTHI KIRAN 18331A04C6 [email protected] Infosys  360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/052
99 RATNALA  ABHINAV 18331A04C7 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company 6063205/1375328
100 RAVANAM SRI RAMA KRISHNA MAHESH 18331A04C8 [email protected] Ambient Scientific 600000 Core company DS1024
101 RAVI MOUNIKA 18331A04C9 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company IN072462928741222
102 REDDI LAHARI 18331A04D0 [email protected] SAMSUNG 600000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/053
103 REYYI DEENARATNAM 18331A04D1 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/054
104 REYYI KEERTHI 18331A04D2 [email protected] HomeFirst 450000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/055
105 RONGALI SHYAMALA 18331A04D3 [email protected] Kpit technologies 400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/056
106 SABBAVARAPU SATYA SAI VARUN 18331A04D4 [email protected] WIPRO 650000 IT company 20408529
107 SABBAVARAPU VIKASINI  18331A04D5 [email protected]  WIPRO Elite National Talent Hunt  350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/057
108 SAI ROSHNI MATTA  18331A04D7  [email protected]  CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/058
109 SARIDI ANITHA 18331A04D8 [email protected] Soctronics 400000 Core company SoCT/LoI/ET
110 SATTARU MOUNIKA 18331A04E0 [email protected] WIPRO Technologies 375000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/059
111 SATTINEEDI SIVA SAI 18331A04E1 [email protected] ZENSAR 400000 IT company 69852
112 SHEIK FATHIMA BEEBI 18331A04E3 [email protected] HCL 425000 Core company 52134068
113 SURABATTULA VENKATA SATWIK 18331A04E5 [email protected] Sugar inc 240000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/060
114 SURAVAJJHALA VENKATA VINAY 18331A04E6 [email protected] Cognizant 580000 IT company 1268194
115 DILEEP KUMAR TAMMINANA  18331A04E7 [email protected] Cognizant 400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/061
116 SIREESHA TANDADA  18331A04E8 [email protected]  HCL 425000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/062
117 TANGUDU MANIKANTA 18331A04E9 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company 20408688
118 TEELLA DHANUNJAYA 18331A04F0 [email protected] JIO Digital Life 500000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/063
119 VARA SASIDHAR TELIKEPALLI  18331A04F1 [email protected]  WIPRO 650000 IT company 20422646
120 SAHITYA PREETHI TENNETI 18331A04F2 [email protected] TA DIGITAL 570000 IT company IN048462496670722
121 UMASRI THEEDA  18331A04F4 [email protected]  WIPRO 365000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/64
122 THIDA PRIYANKA 18331A04F5 [email protected] HCL 425000 Core company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/65
123 TOTTARA PRAVALLIKA 18331A04F7 [email protected] WIPRO 360000 IT company 20357580
124 VAKADA SAI KIRAN 18331A04F9 [email protected] Willwing tech services pvt ltd 400000 IT company 0424WW0004
125 VAKAMULLU NIKHILESH 18331A04G0 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  600000 IT company 6451309/1538908
126 V. GEETANJALI 18331A04G2 [email protected] TCS 330000 IT company 2133292
127 VARANASI VAMSI  18331A04G3 [email protected] WIPRO 360000 IT company 2133293
128 V.D.S.DEEPIKA 18331A04G5 [email protected] Tcs 740000 IT company 2168060
129 SAI PRIYAMVADA VENNELA 18331A04G6 [email protected] Infosys 425000 IT company 1285496
130 VULLI MANIKUMAR  18331A04G9 [email protected]  HCL 425000 Core company 52130624
131 YAKKALA BHARATH KUMAR 18331A04H1 [email protected] DAZN 650000 IT company 17207
132 Y. ATCHYUTHA 18331A04H2 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company IN048462810231122
133 Y.SAI ANIRUDH 18331A04H3 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company 2132794
134 YETURI SPANDANA 18331A04H4 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/066
135 M.NITISH RAJ 18331A04H6 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/067
136 REDDI SAI TEJA 18331A04H7 [email protected] WIPRO 360000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/068
137 V N PRAMOD  18331A04H9 [email protected]  WIPRO  550000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/069
138 ADITYA VARDHAN VELUVARTHI  18331A04I0 [email protected]  TCS 400000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/070
139 ATTILI VENKATA KAVYA  19335A0401  [email protected]  Tcs 336000 IT company 2132871
140 CHIPPADA TULASI VENKATA ATCHUTAMBA 19335A0402 [email protected] WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/071
141 CHITIKELA VENKATA SATYA SRAVAN KUMAR 19335A0403 [email protected] WIPRO 360000 IT company TCSL/CT20203286035/Hyderabad
142 GANTALA JOTHSNA  19335A0404  [email protected]  WIPRO 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/072
143 GARA DHANUNJAYA RAO 19335A0405 [email protected] HYUNDAI MOBIS 800000 Core company 6011583
144 LINGAM VINEETH 19335A0409 [email protected] HYUNDAI MOBIS 450000 Core company 6011582
145 NALLA VASUKI 19335A0410 [email protected] CAPGEMINI  400000 IT company IN046462939721222
146 PONNANA LOKANADAM  19335A0411 [email protected] WIPRO  350000 IT company 20372377
147 SUJANA. DALAI 19335A0413 [email protected] HYUNDAI Motor 350000 IT company ECE/MVGR/2021-22/073
148 VASIREDDY TEJA 19335A0415 [email protected] TCS 350000 IT company 2134422
149 B. LALITHYA 19335A0416 [email protected] TCS 750000 IT company 2168247
  1. Faculty Achievements

    1. Nine faculty published ‘12’ books.
    2. Faculty underwent summer internship/ fellowship in various organizations.
    3. 63 Faculty has done internship in more than 11 organization in the last three years.
    4. Department has MOU’s with more than 7 industries.
    5. One patent Granted and 14 Patents published till date. 
    6. Nine faculty members are certified trainers in various tools/technologies like NI-LabVIEW trainer, HFSS certified trainer, Wipro machine 10X trainer, ThinksLabs Embedded trainer, PhyTec IOT trainer.
    7. Faculty achieved 128 NPTEL certifications with Elite-Gold, Elite – Silver grades.
    8. Department has carried out R&D work amounting to 46.5 Lakhs till date
    9. Department faculty acted as Reviewers for International Journals and Conferences of Repute.
    10. Faculty are BOS members in various Colleges.
    11. Faculty delivered Guest lectures and acted as Session Chair in International Conferences.
    12. Actively involved in Various Professional body activities as Treasurer, Secretary, Members etc.,


    Students Achievements

    1. Cricket team of ECE Department has won ‘Sakshi Premier League’ T20 Cup.
    2. Ms. G. Rama Lakshmi of 2013-2017 batch received University gold medal for topping students of her batch among affiliated colleges of JNTU Kakinada with an aggregate 89.11%.
    3. Ms. G. Rama Lakshmi of 2013-2017 batch received a Cash Prize for topping students of all the colleges under JNTU Kakinada.
    4. Mr. A. Pavan of 2012-2016 batch has received Guinness Book of World Record for the longest Carrom playing marathon for 34 Hours 45 Minutes and 56 Seconds on December-2016.
    5. Mr. K. Pradeep of 2005-2009 batch received University gold medal for topping students of his batch of all JNTU Kakinada affiliated colleges with 84.52%.
    6. Mr. D.Venkateswara Rao of 2013-2017 batch awarded Individual Championship for Athletics, among students of all JNTU Kakinada affiliated colleges during 2016-2017.
    7. Mr. D.Venkateswara Rao of 2013-2017 batch awarded State Silver Medal in Long Jump held at Vijayawada organized by Andhra Pradesh State Athletics during 2016-2017.
    8. Ms. M. Yatheesha, Ms. M. Revathi and Mr. K. Soma Sekhar of 2012-2016 batch won I st prize for the project “Electronic Travel Aid for Visually Impaired” in National Science Day, 2016 at NSTL, Visakhapatnam.
    9. Mr. D.Venkateswara Rao of 2013-2017 batch achieved 6 th position for Athletics in All India Level held at Patiyala University, Punjab during 2015-2016.
    10. Mr. D.Venkateswara Rao of 2013-2017 batch awarded Individual Championship for Athletics among students of all JNTU Kakinada affiliated colleges during 2015-2016.
    11. Mr. D.Venkateswara Rao of 2013-2017 batch received Silver Medal in Long Jump of Senior State Meet, during 2015-2016.
    12. Mr. D.Venkateswara Rao of 2013-2017 batch has represented from JNTU Kakinada for Athletics held at Alva Institutions, Mangalore during 2014-2015.
    13. Mr. Agasya of 2012-2016 batch has represented from JNTU Kakinada University for Hockey team, held at Patiyala University, Punjab during 2014-2015.
    14. Mr. D.Venkateswara Rao of 2013-2017 batch received Gold Medal in Triple Jump of South Zone Meet, Warangal during 2014-2015.
    15. Mr. Leela Prasad of 2011-2015 batch has represented from JNTU Kakinada University for Volley Ball team, held at Patiyala University, Punjab during 2013-2014.
    16. Mr. D.Venkateswara Rao of 2013-2017 batch received Gold Medal in Triple Jump of South Zone Meet, Gachibowli during 2013-2014.
    17. Ms. M. Srujana, M.Bharathi Devi of 2009-13 batch won I st prize for the paper titled “Comparison of texture classification using SVM and neural networks” in the IETE National Conference on Advance Communication and Computer Technologies in July 2012.
  1. Antenna Design using HFSS
    • In an attempt to bridge the gaps between industry and academia as well as enhance the employability of its graduates, the department of ECE has introduced an add on training program on Antenna design using HFSS software for the final year students.
    • The program mainly imparts the design aspects of microstrip antennas, array antennas, microwave filters, DGS, ultra wideband antennas, fractal antennas and DRAs which will be helpful for getting employability in the Core industries.
    • The Program also introduces the practical aspects of fabrication using MITS Antenna fabrication unit and measurements using Vector network analyser E5071C.
      • The LabVIEW Academy curriculum gives students the opportunity to validate their knowledge and skills at a professional level with certification.
      • After completion of the LabVIEW Academy program, students have the knowledge and tools to attempt the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) certification exam with confidence.
      • Experience and certification in LabVIEW can improve students' career opportunities around the world - providing graduates and potential employers with benefits such as:
        1. Reliable validation and demonstration of skills and knowledge.
        2. Accelerated professional development, improved productivity, and enhanced field credibility.
        3. Listing in the NI Certified Professionals database to demonstrate certification status
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI&ML) is an emerging field of technology which consists of a set of tools and techniques used to extract useful information from data. AI&ML is a fast growing discipline and is full of rigorous practical analysis. The demand for undergraduates in AI and ML has industry required skills and demand in the global market over the last few years. Inline with this, the AI &ML training programme is an attempt to bridge the gap between industry and academia as well as to enhance the employability of undergraduates.

    After completing the training programme student will be able to:

    • Understanding of the fundamentals of AI and ML, including key algorithms and techniques.
    • Familiarity with popular AI and ML frameworks and tools, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.
    • Implement AI and ML models using programming languages such as Python.
    • Knowledge of different applications of AI and ML, including computer vision, Deep Learning, natural language processing, and robotics.
    • Improved data analysis and problem-solving skills, as well as an understanding of how to interpret the results of AI and ML models.
    • Increased ability to design and implement AI and ML solutions for real-world problems.

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Department No. With Extn. - 08922 - 241732 (Extn:401)