The need of the hour is to produce an academic community with more creativity and that is the only way to convert our economy to a knowledge based economy. Curriculum of MVGR Autonomous Institution is designed to suit the industry needs that lead to Technical advancement of the society.

Advantages of Autonomous Curriculum
- Autonomy is a functional status given by UGC to colleges with flexibility to design curriculum that enhances the academic standards and provides better means of excellence.
- Choice of Core electives and Interdisciplinary options allows student to learn subject of their interest irrespective of their core branch.
- Flexible Academic Calendar that allow students to attend industry internships for short duration.
- Better employability options, due to the industry oriented curriculum
- Holistic performance measurement using Grade Point Average (CGPA) instead of marks
As per UGC, "institutions of higher education in India would do well to invest thought & resources into introducing CBCS. Aided by modern communication and information technology, CBCS has a high probability to be operational efficiently and effectively elevating learners, institutions and higher education system in the country to newer heights"
- The Vision is to evolve a higher education system that is suitability blended with provision for knowledge and skills where every student learns with creativity.
- Help students develop thinking as well as analytical ability, gets equipped with necessary skills for employment.
- Offers students with autonomy, self-learning more flexibility to choose inter-disciplinary courses along with major courses, which enhances scope of education.