Events Calendar

Drone Technology for humanitarian Rescue Effects
Wednesday 09 March 2022, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 1601
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The MVGR COLLEGE of engineering has organized Guest Lecture on Drone Technology For Humanitarian Rescue Efforts to Engineering students. For this event Mr. Aliasgar Calcuttawala, CTO of SAIF SEAS Automation, is the Chief Guest and spokesperson. The Chief Guest has explained the students about the Humanitarian Rescue Efforts and Currently, the most common uses for drones in humanitarian response are mapping and monitoring, delivering supplies and medicines (especially in high-frequency, low-volume missions to remote areas known as “last mile” deliveries) and search-and-rescue efforts.


Chief Guest motivated the students by explaining various Drone Technologies and  given brief information about the Saif Seas Automation and the competition to design the Drone by giving set of rules and stages.



The lecture mainly focused on the

  • Rescue efforts for people drowning in the ocean or caught in the water during massive floods is always a very challenging proposition.
  • Saif Seas Automation has developed an unmanned remote controlled lifebuoy that can be launched into the waters to rescue people at risk with no risk to human life rescuer in the process. T
  • he buoy has wireless communication and maximum speeds of up to 7 meters/sec.
  • It is proposed to extend the capability of the Lifebuoy to also supply vital equipment/medicines/food packets to the stranded people, by way of a throwing mechanism fitted on board the craft.


For this programme Dr M. Satyanarayana (Programme Coordinator), Dr. Ramesh, Dean R & D, Mr. S.Mohan Kumar, Dean-Students, Dr. Raja Ramesh, Assistant Professor and Students of various Departments were attended and graced the occasion.