Events Calendar

Tuesday 08 March 2022, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 1393
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The Women Empowerment Cell of MVGR Engineering College (A) celebrated the International Women’s Day on 08th March, 2022.

On this occasion Ms. Lakshmi Mukkavilli, Managing Director, PATRA INDIA BPO Services and Ms. A.Rishita (MVGR Alumni) Senior Strategist SD, trust and safety, GOOGLE are the special invitees


Ms. Lakshmi Mukkavilli Addressing the Gathering                                                                           Ms. A.Rishita (MVGR Alumni), Addressing the Gathering

MVGR College Women Empowerment Cell Coordinator Dr.M.Sarah Kamala Kumari has given the annual report of Women Empowerment Cell. Ms. Lakshmi Mukkavilli said that girls are already powerful and born with a talent also she stressed about child abuse and breaking the gender bias discrimination. She also emphasized on empowerment and financial independence of women. She inspired and motivated about invasion and exclusive life style and decision making to girl students.

MVGR College Women Empowerment Cell Coordinator Dr.M.Sarah Kamala Kumari has given the annual report of Women Empowerment Cell. Ms. Lakshmi Mukkavilli said that girls are already powerful and born with a talent also she stressed about child abuse and breaking the gender bias discrimination. She also emphasized on empowerment and financial independence of women. She inspired and motivated about invasion and exclusive life style and decision making to girl students.


                                                                                                              Dr.K.V.L.Raju, Principal MVGR


                                                                                                                              Participants of the Session