Events Calendar

Motivational Talk on “Career Planning and Preparation for a Prospective Engineer
From Tuesday 08 March 2022 -  08:00am
To Monday 09 May 2022 - 05:00pm
Hits : 1515
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MVGR College of Engineering in association with Rotary Club Viziangaram Central has organized a Motivational Talk on “Career Planning and Preparation for a Prospective Engineer” by the motivational speaker & Serial Entrepreneur Mr. K.V.T. Ramesh on the occasion of Rotary’s Vocational Month Celebrations. 

Speaking on the occasion Principal Dr. K.V.L.Raju, stated that now the country is looking for entrepreneurs and employers not the employees.  So, the students from their initial days need to hone up the qualities required for making the country the hub of global opportunities by initiating small scale industries, start-ups and incubation hubs. 

The Dean-Placements Dr. M. Sunil Prakash said that students have three choices to make; placement, higher studies & entrepreneurship.  Out of all these presently the Government laying thrust on developing entrepreneur skills among the students to become the global centre for opportunities. Rotary Vizianagaram Chairman Rtn. V.S.Kiran Kumar said that rotary club is playing important role in extending required services to the community as its social responsibility. Today’s motivational speaker .


Guest of Honor Sri. KVT Ramesh addressing the students said that for any success, self-discipline, positive thinking and igniting the power within are the key factors. He also stressed the students to bring everything into practice to become successful

Dean Students S. Mohan Kumar said that the college is taking all necessary measures to impart the education required to the times such as skill based learning by organizing workshops on entrepreneur skills development, yoga, meditation, and offering audit courses on humanities and social sciences.

Librarian Dr. K. Umamahesh Yadav, MVGR Cultural Co-ordinator B. Hari Kumar, Staff Co-ordinator Lakshman Rao, All Class Representatives and representatives from Rotary Vizianagaram G. Jagadish Secretary, G. Shiva Kumar Counsellor Vocational Service, Nataraj Tunuguntla Vocational Month Chairman were presented on this occasion.


                                                                                                                                                                                                      Felicitation to the Guest of Honor Sri. KVT. Ramesh