Faculty List
CH. Satyanarayana
Sr. Assistant Professor
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- Has done Masters from NIT WARANGAL University, with POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES specialization.
- Guiding research/projects in the areas of BI-DIRECTIONAL DC DC CONVERTERS AND INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES.
- Actively engaged in curriculum design/development for the subjects ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS
- Apart from academics, contributing with admin responsibility as CLASS INCHARGE OF FINAL YEAR ‘B’ SECTION
- Has diverse experience in both industry/institution for a period of 3 years
- Has been working since 2013.

CH. Satyanarayana
Sr. Assistant Professor
- Has done Masters from NIT WARANGAL University, with POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES specialization.
- Guiding research/projects in the areas of BI-DIRECTIONAL DC DC CONVERTERS AND INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES.
- Actively engaged in curriculum design/development for the subjects ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS
- Apart from academics, contributing with admin responsibility as CLASS INCHARGE OF FINAL YEAR ‘B’ SECTION
- Has diverse experience in both industry/institution for a period of 3 years
- Has been working since 2013.