MVGR College Celebrates International Day of Yoga 2024

In alignment with the global celebration of the International Day of Yoga (IDY), the NSS unit of MVGR College marked the occasion with a comprehensive event under the guidance of the Regional Directorate of NSS. This year's IDY theme, "Yoga for Self and Society," underscores the dual benefits of yoga for individual well-being and community harmony.

The International Day of Yoga, observed annually on June 21, was initiated nine years ago following the innovative proposal by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Since its inception, IDY has played a crucial role in spreading the message and benefits of yoga worldwide, with its positive impact widely acknowledged.

The Ministry of Ayush, acting as the Nodal Ministry for the observance of IDY, has been instrumental in organizing various countdown events to raise awareness about the practice of yoga. These events emphasize holistic well-being and sustainable living, echoing the principles that yoga embodies.

At MVGR College, the IDY event was organized meticulously by Mr. N. Shanmukha Rao, PO of NSS unit. The program included an awareness session followed by a practice session led by Dr. B. Madhava Varma, a respected yoga practitioner. The session was well-received by both students and faculty members, who participated enthusiastically.

Dr. Varma's session provided valuable insights into the benefits of yoga, emphasizing its importance in promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. He guided the participants through various yoga postures and breathing techniques, highlighting how these practices contribute to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Mr. N. Shanmukha Rao, praised for his organizational skills, ensured that the event reached all departments within the college, effectively spreading awareness about the significance of yoga. The event reflected the college’s commitment to fostering a culture of holistic health and well-being among its students and staff.

The celebration of IDY at MVGR College was a testament to the growing recognition of yoga's benefits globally. It reinforced the message that yoga is a powerful tool for enhancing individual health and fostering societal harmony, resonating with this year's theme of "Yoga for Self and Society."

As the world continues to embrace yoga, events like these play a pivotal role in promoting a healthier, more sustainable way of living. MVGR College’s observance of the International Day of Yoga 2024 is a shining example of how educational institutions can contribute to this global movement, nurturing the well-being of their communities.