Guest Lectures by Mr.I.Kranthi Kiran

During 27th – 31st January'2020, Sumathi Reddy Institute of Technology for Women (SRITW), Warangal has organized a Short-term training program titled ‘Introduction to MATLAB Programming’ and invited Sri I.Kranthi Kiran, to give lectures on "MATLAB". During his sessions, he gave presentations on different MATLAB concepts like “Programming constructs, Functions, Files, Cell arrays, Structures, Polynomials and Graphics”.
Earlier to this event, in view of the National Energy Conservation Week Celebrations during 14th - 20th December'2019, Eastern Power Distribution Company of AP Ltd., Vizianagaram has invited Sri I. Kranthi Kiran, Associate Professor, EEE to give a lecture on "Best Practices in Energy Conservation". During the session on 18th Dec, he gave a presentation on "Energy conservation, Energy saving projects and Auditing" and demonstrated various projects developed by EEE department at MVGR.